61 Bridge Street, Kington, HR5 3DJ

NCFE L1 Essential Digital Skills

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NCFE L1 Essential Digital Skills Qualification No 603/7118/3

Qualification Purpose

The purpose of this qualification is to allow learners to demonstrate understanding of, and competency in, the essential digital skills they need for life and work. It will enable learners to engage with digital services and products in everyday life and work.

This qualification’s objectives are to:

Course Information

Content sections

How is it assessed?

This qualification is externally set, internally marked and externally quality assured.
There will be 2 components, with 59% marks available in total.

Section A: AO1 – Knowledge – 17 marks

Section B: AO2 – Skills – 42 marks


Learners who achieve this qualification could progress to

.Suitable level 2 qualifications

Attendance (virtual)

Pricing £450 may be paid in full

Option for 2 instalments for full time learners: 4 weeks of £225
Option for 4 instalments for part time learners: 4 weeks of £112.50
For evening sessions, please phone us.

Learners will be entitled to unlimited resits; however, they will not be permitted to resit the same assessment. If a learner has attempted all live papers, they will not be able to resit until a new version is available. Resitting learners will be required to sit both sections of the assessment (section A and section B). If a learner does not achieve their assessment, they should have a period of teaching and learning before resitting. Charges may apply to resits. All the evidence generated by the learner will be assessed against the standards expected of a level 1 learner for each learning outcome