61 Bridge Street, Kington, HR5 3DJ

L2 Certificate in Digital Marketing

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L2 Certificate in Digital Marketing

Qualification Purpose

The purpose of the qualification is to help learners develop their knowledge of digital marketing. Successfully completing it will allow learners to understand what digital marketing is, why it is important and how it can impact upon business growth.

This qualification is designed for learners who want to develop their knowledge of digital marketing, those who are seeking employment within marketing, business or media, and those who are already working within those sectors and wish to broaden their knowledge.

Course Information

How many credits are required to complete it?

To achieve this qualification, you must achieve a total of 19 credits from all 5 mandatory units:

How is it assessed?

It will be assessed by internally set and marked assessments and quality assured by the qualification’s awarding body.


Learners who achieve this qualification could progress to the following:


Further education:

Attendance (virtual)

Pricing £903 may be paid in full

Option for 4 instalments for full time learners: 4 weeks of £226

Option for 12 instalments for part time learners: 12 weeks of £75.25

For evening sessions, please phone us.